Watch Our Quick-Hit Webinar 2

What we need to Communicate & Why? Toward Effective Compliance Communications


Compliance communications can be an effective tool toward addressing key ethical blind spots, which are at the root of various compliance concerns. However, you need to first identify these blind spots and then align your compliance training to effectively address them.

Date: 1 September 2015
Time: 11:00AM Eastern Time
Duration: 15 minutes
Presenter: Dr. Nitish Singh, Associate Professor at Boeing Institute of International Business, St Louis University and Founder/Consultant at IntegTree


About the Session

The increasing number of regulations, their increasing complexity, and the broad application of those regulations, means that determining if one is ‘in compliance’ is becoming ever more difficult.  Therefore, to adjunct your regulatory compliance regimen, you need to avoid many of the ethical pitfalls from which compliance regulations grow (e.g., dishonesty, fraud, and so on). Compliance communications can be an effective tool toward addressing key ethical blind spots, which are at the root of various compliance concerns. However, you need to first identify these blind spots and then align your compliance training to effectively address them.

In this presentation we explore:

• Identifying possible root causes behind key compliance concerns

• Aligning Compliance Communications to address these root causes

• Measuring and documenting the impact of compliance communications on desired outcomes

About the Presenter

Dr. Nitish Singh (PhD/MBA/MA) is an Associate Professor at Boeing Institute of International Business, St Louis University. He is also Founder and Consultant at IntegTree Ethics and Compliance Consulting. His latest book, titled Compliance Management: A How to Guide for Executives, Lawyers and Other Compliance Professionals, is available on Amazon and as complimentary courseware.  To keep up on the latest discussions and insights from Dr. Singh and IntegTree, visit


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